Davidsons Homes’ Showhome now open

The Newstead, Davidsons Homes’ beautiful 5-bedroom detached showhome, opened at the end of October


As an indication of the kind of quality you can expect from a Davidsons home, The Newstead is an impressive showcase of the high build quality and exquisite specifications on offer. And as a sign of things to come at the development, the showhome delivers an exciting glimpse into the future of life at Dollman Meadow, Houlton.


The showhome has a team of dedicated sales assistants to guide you around and provide you with everything you need to know about choosing and designing your dream home.


It’s all part of the housebuilder’s promise to deliver fantastic customer service, which was reflected in the company receiving a five-star HBF award for the fifth year in a row.


The front door is now wide open to visitors – from 10.30am-5.30pm, 7-days a week – so be sure to call in soon.


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